Connecting in space at altitude 36,000Km
Satellite communicationSatellite communications equipment E-Globaledge has been handling is used to communicate with geostationary earth orbital satellites located 36,000 km above from the ground. Leveraging the wide area and simultaneous broadcast characteristic of satellite communications, these are used for video and data transmission, and as backups for mobile phone base stations. In particular, they serve the last means of communication as crucial infrastructure when disasters occur, hence, satellite communication and the technology continue to be used over the times, not only at present when optical communication is the mainstream but also in the future.
Midst a 5G and IoT era, satellite communications have been gaining spotlights on the new roles more than ever before. They have global-scale coverage, not only where people live, but in uninhabited regions like the Sahara desert, the peaks of the Himalayas or on the Pacific Ocean, and the stable operation, even during a disaster, by reliable communication network of satellite communication is the one of the major advantages and attractive points.
Its application is not limited to the ground. Satellite communication usage is expanding to vessels, airplanes, and even inter-satellite communications linking a geostationary satellite with a non-geostationary one, and is being implement further to numerous fields such as unmanned airplane and vessel by evolving the operational control of Aircraft Earth Stations and Earth Stations on board Vessels (ESV), ocean resource surveys, ocean environment and tsunami monitoring and resource surveys.
For new services which maybe more familiar to you, inflight internet service is available at many airplanes, home delivery service by drones is being considered and tested by not a few companies globally. Like these application, satellite communication is close to you.
E-Globaledge will continue to deliver a whole range of products related to satellite communications that will support network for future applications as well as the conventional ones.

Satellite communication works often with networks by other communication means, it is expected that even more business opportunities will be come up to satellite communication along with new application of such networks connected. In line with expanding use of satellite communications, E-Globaledge will expand its range of handled products and continue to meet the diverse needs of clients.
In the field of satellite communications, while the International Telecommunication Union Radio communication Sector (ITU-R) has established global standards, each country has each own laws and standards, and the way of applying for radio licenses also differ among countries. We trust ourselves that our deep knowledge of Radio Law and Technical examination standards related to Radio Law in Japan, and our long-term business experiences in this industry will help to expand customers’ satellite communications businesses from various aspects.
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